On November 24, 2022, the second participation event of the joint cultural planning took place at the children’s and youth center Megafon in Burscheid.
After a review of the results of the kick-off event, there followed an exciting presentation by Brigitte Schorn, head of the Cultural Education Office in Remscheid. After a definition of terms, she went into detail about the actors in cultural education and the existing funding programs. Subsequently, she reported on the possibilities of networking and the structured procedure required for this. The presentation of Ms. Schorn is available for download here. Please get in contact if you need a english version.
From the Kultur!Büro. Siegen-Wittgenstein, Ralf Gerecht reported on the existing digital cultural platform of the district and also presented the predecessor model. Information on the Kultur!Büro. can be found at www.siwikultur.de and here is the cultural handbook.

After a short break and culinary refreshments, interesting discussion rounds began at three topic tables. The open workshop focused on the questions “What are the challenges with regard to cooperation in the field of culture?” and “What opportunities and strengths do both cities have for this?” At a third table, the participants were able to take up the topic of “networking”. Concretely formulated characteristics and wishes for a digital platform were recorded and structures for successful networking were discussed. The documentation of the results is available for download here.